Why Google Flights is the very best thing To hit The web since Google

very first I have to state that discovering Google Flights was one of the most interesting things we’ve discovered on the internet since Johnny Ward’s travel blog (which influenced us to begin this one). as well as no, Google isn’t paying us to compose this publish (although they should… they most likely pay extremely well). We just discovered out about Google Flights a few days back as well as we’ve been spreading the word amongst our buddies as well as everybody is just as amped as we are. It’s time that we share this amazing service / travel hack with you guys!

What Makes Google Flights So Great?

You understand exactly how whenever you’re searching for a flight, you utilize about 6 different browse engines (well, you should), since each one has a function that you like. One website shows a full week of fares, one enables you to track flight costs, as well as on one more booking engine you can select to book onward flights in a bundle deal. Well Google has all of these features, plus one more that makes it BY far the very best booking engine we’ve ever seen.

You Can browse Flights By country or Region!

We’ve been wanting as well as hoping for this function to appear in flight booking services since we started travelling in 2008 as well as lastly the Google gods have responded to our prayers!

We’ll go over the other features of this site soon, however the primary difference that we’ve found, which we haven’t discovered with any type of other booking site, is the capability to browse for flights to a specific region.

For example, if you want to fly to Europe, however you don’t truly care what country you land in since you just want the cheapest possible flight, with Google Flights you can type in your departing city as well as for destination, you can just put “Europe”.

Google Flights will then open a map of Europe with fares on each city, to ensure that you can quickly select the cheapest location to fly to. All Europe travellers understand that when you’re in Europe, you can fly anywhere for under $50 with airlines like simple Jet as well as Ryan Air, so this function will save a great deal of time as well as money.

For spontaneous vacationers, full-time travellers as well as digital nomads like ourselves, this function is priceless. Finally, we can select what region we want to travel to as well as discover the very best possible rate in 5 seconds, rather than having to browse with countless cities, airports as well as airlines.

I just have to say… Thank-you Google!

The exact same tool works when you type in a country as your destination. There are over 5,000 paved runways in the us alone, so being able to select a nation as the destination, as well as then choosing the cheapest flight terminal to land in will save travellers a ton of money.

But that’s not all. As we stated earlier, Google Flights has all of the features that hardcore travellers look for in a booking site, so let’s continue…

1 Month of Fares!

So you’re looking at the map as well as you see that if you fly into Paris, it’s going to save you $250 so obviously that’s your decided port of entry into Europe. now you just click on the fare next to Paris on the map as well as a pop-up appears that shows an entire month of fares. now you can look with the dates as well as select which one is the cheapest.

Sometimes you can save as much as 75% off of the flight expense just by booking on the right day of the month (we’ve tested it). You’d never see all those fares on a typical booking site unless you spent hours re-entering your dates as well as browsing different airlines.

Multi-City Tab

Not all booking engines have this feature, however Google Flights does. It enables you to group several flights together to ensure that you can save huge money.

We flew from Guatemala City to Havana, as well as then Havana to San Jose, Costa Rica utilizing this handy bit hack as well as it saved us $200 each.

Jeg føler mig heldig

Once you’ve selected a destination region as well as broadened the map view, you can click the “I’m feeling Lucky” button to scan with random destinations as well as see which one is the cheapest. exactly how fun is that?

Maximum flight Time

Nobody likes to be in transit for 36 hours. just drag the “Flight Time” sign down to your maximum allowable travel time as well as the flights will immediately update. We like to keep it under 24 hours if possible!

As usual you can do the exact same with departure times, number of layovers and fare price.

Best flight Indicator

Google will doAlle eller dine beregninger for dig. Når du har valgt en destination såvel som du ser på den lange liste over billetpriser, vil Google bestemme, hvilken flyvning der giver dig det allerbedste bang for din bukke baseret på en kombination af udgifter såvel som hastighed.

Handy Tips Bar

Når du booker en flyvning, er der en “tipbar” øverst på skærmen, såvel som den fortæller dig nøjagtigt, hvor meget du kan gemme, hvis du vælger at booke lidt tidligere, senere eller fra en anden lufthavn.


Denne funktion er fantastisk. Google Flights har slået sig sammen med RoteHappy for at omfatte komfort såvel som lykkefaktorer i deres gennemse resultater. Når du booker din flyvning, kan du se flymodellen, sædetype, kabinelayout, integreret underholdning, power-stikkontakter, Wi-Fi-arrangement såvel som frisk madtilgængelighed lige ved siden af ​​billetprisen. Du kan endda se nøjagtigt, hvor meget benplads du har!

Et godt tilbud er kun et godt tilbud, hvis du er glad såvel som behagelig, mens du er i luften. Nogle gange er et ekstra par bukke værd, hvis det betyder, at du har Wi-Fi, mad såvel som strømstik på flyet!

Sporing af flyvepriser

Klik blot på “Gem denne rejseplan” -funktion såvel som Google vil advare dig om betydelige omkostningsdråber via Google Now -appen, der sender dig meddelelser på din kloge enhed.

Nogle funktioner, vi gerne vil se

Okay, Google udførte en stor opgave med at fremstille denne flyvebookingsmotor, men som altid … vi som forbrugerfigur har vi måske gjort det bedre. Lige her er et par funktioner, vi gerne vil se implementeret i fremtiden:

Fanen Flight & Hotel / Flight & Vehicle & køretøj: Disse faner tilbyder store omkostningsbesparelser på andre bookingwebsteder, så vi også vil se dem på Google -fly.

Laveste billetpris overalt: Google har al denne fantastiske info om flyomkostninger, historier om billetpriser såvel som nedsatte priser, de bør indeholde en “bedste flyvning til hvor som helst” -knap for ægte spontane rejsende som os. Google kan gennemse hele kortet samt opdage de laveste priser baseret på historiske søgninger. Type som en rundt om i verden “Jeg føler mig heldig” -knap udelukkende baseret på pris.

Low Fare Highlighter: Når du vælger et land eller en region i Google -fly, skal du manuelt scanne med billetpriserne på kortet for at opdage det laveste. Google skal fremhæve de allerbedste tilbud baseret på billetpriserne.

Vi håber, du opdager dette nyttige

Vi kunne godt lide denne flyvebookingsmotor så meget, at vi bare skulle dele den med jer. Det har ganske meget enhver funktion, vi nogensinde har ønsket, plus den fantastiske nye innovation, der giver dig mulighed for at vælge en destinationsregion at flyve til, snarere end bare en by.

Overlad det til Google for at tage noget, der har eksisteret i mange år såvel som at gøre det ti gange bedre. Hvis dette ikke sparer dig penge så godt som tid, når du booker dine fremtidige rejser, forstår jeg ikke, hvad der vil! Denne artikel er en veritabel rejsehack bonanza såvel som hvad der kan opdages på google.com/flights. God fornøjelse!

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Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Geder på vejen er en Amazon -partner såvel som ligeledes et tilknyttet selskab for nogle andre detailhandlere. Dette betyder, at vi foretager provision, hvis du klikker på links på vores blog samt køb fra disse detailhandlere.

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